Want to Be Part of our Team and Make Money at Tournaments, Competitions or Recitals? You're Going to be there Anyways, right?
We are excited to expand this program and we are inviting you along on the journey.
If you are going to be at a tournament, competition or recital why not bring joy to others and MAKE some money?
We are making it Easier than EVER!
Find Out How to Get Started BELOW!
You can set your own price at events to sell these products. You also get to pick which sport and products you would like which makes it even easier for moms with kids in several sports
1. What products can I pick?
We have preset packages for each sport. Once you pick a sport we will send you a form to fill out where you can pick the products for that sport.
2. How much is shipping and how long does it take to receive?
Shipping is $6.99 for all packages. We ship all orders within 2 business days as long as we have all products in stock